I am trying to use pantheios file stock back end to log from my dll in c++. The file gets created but nothing gets written to the file.
Here is a snippet of my code
if (pantheios::pantheios_init() < 0)
MessageBox(NULL, "Init Failed", "fvm", MB_OK);
}else {
MessageBox(NULL, "Init Passed", "fvm", MB_OK);
pantheios::log_INFORMATIONAL("Logger enabled!");
DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
sprintf_s(moduleName, sizeof(moduleName), "C:\\%d.log", pid);
pantheios::log(pantheios::debug, "Entering main");
I get the Init Passed message box but no log statements are dumped in the file.
(the highest level) and see if that shows up. – Helgoland