I have a simply question and hopefully someone can answer this. I need to get an animated model into three.js from Maya. I know currently the only exporter/ converter to the three.js JSON format that supports animations is the blender plugin. Unfortunately, my company works with Maya and Blender doesn't take FBXs. I already figured out that in order to do what I need to do, I need to export out of maya a Collada, import the Collada into Blender, then export out to three.js using the plugin.
But here is my problem. When importing the dae file from maya, I get an error:
Sax FWL Error: Could not resolve sid "**" referenced in skin controller.
for each bone in the rig and nothing is connected properly. I also tried exporting the fbx from other Autodesk applications but each one gives me the same errors.
Anyone know either how to resolve this error or another way to get a Maya animated rig into blender without error.