Hightlight yanked text
First of all I would like to recommend highlight yanked text:
https://github.com/machakann/vim-highlightedyank (vim and neovim)
This is useful because it will give you a visual hint of what you have just copied.
For neovim:
augroup highlight_yank
au TextYankPost * silent! lua vim.highlight.on_yank({higroup="IncSearch", timeout=700})
augroup END
The vim philosophy goes way beond selecting, copying etc.
Start spending more time reading about vim/neovim and you will not going back to any other editor.
Nice to meet you dear "text-objects"
- Read more about them here
Copy a whole paragraph to the clipboard:
"+ .................... clipboard register
y ..................... copy
ip .................... inner paragraph
Copy the whole file to the clipboard
Test some vim commands from the clipboard
The above command allows you to run functions and vim commands even if did not pasted them into your vimrc, there are some exceptions but in general it will work.
You can define your own text-objects
" vim line text-objects
xnoremap al :<C-u>norm! 0v$<cr>
xnoremap il :<C-u>norm! _vg_<cr>
onoremap al :norm! val<cr>
onoremap il :norm! vil<cr>
So you can use vil
or dil
Sometimes you don't need to select to copy
If you wan to copy the second line to the end of the file you can do:
If you want to move lines 4-7 to the beggining of the file you can do:
copy from mark a to mark b:
ma .................. mark current line as mark a
Jump to a second place in your file and then
mb .................. mark current line as mark b
from mark a to mark b copy to the clipboard
Diving into advanced vim: