This is a very common mistake.
The IN
operator expect a list of values, but you are supplying a single value that happens to contain a list.
You should create a different parameter for each value in the EmployeeIds list.
Here is one way to do it:
string EmployeeIds = "'1231','1232','1233'";
var values = EmployeeIds.Split(',');
using(var command = new OleDbCommand())
var sql = "SELECT [Employee Number], [Employee Name], [First In Time], [Last Out Time], [Total Work Hours] "+
"FROM [Sheet0$A2:J] "+
"WHERE [Employee Number] IN (";
for(int i=0; i < values.Length; i++)
// Please note that string interpolation will work only with c# 6 or later.
// If you are working with vs 2013 or earlier, use string.Format instead.
sql = $"{sql} @{i},";
command.Parameters.Add($"@{i}", OleDbType.Int).Value = values[i].Trim(new char[] {'}); // You don't need the ' anymore since you are working with parameters now...
command.CommandText = sql.TrimEnd(',') +");";
command.Connection = con;
using(var reader = Command.ExecuteReader())
// do your stuff with the data