Based on the book Computer Vision a Modern Approach page 425, I attempted to use eigenvectors for image segmentation.
The author mentions that image pixel affinites can be captured in matrix A. Then we can maximize w^T A w product where w's are weights. After some algebra one obtains Aw = \lambda w, finding w is like finding eigenvectors. Then finding the best cluster is finding the eigenvalue with largest eigenvector, the values inside that eigenvector are cluster membership values. I wrote this code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Img = plt.imread("twoObj.jpg")
(n,dummy) = Img.shape
Img2 = Img.flatten()
(nn,) = Img2.shape
A = np.zeros((nn,nn))
for i in range(nn):
for j in range(nn):
V,D = np.linalg.eig(A)
V = np.real(V)
a = np.real(D[1])
threshold = 1e-10 # filter
a = np.reshape(a, (n,n))
Img[a<threshold] = 255
The image
Best result I could get from this is below. I have a feeling the results can be better.
The eigenvalues are sorted from largest to smallest in Numpy, I tried the first one, that did not work, then I tried the second one for the results seen below. Threshold value was chosen by trial and error. Any ideas on how this algorithm can be improved?
might read the image as RGB, I don't know whatflatten
makes of that. In Mathematica, I had to convert it to grayscale first. – Onitaonlooker