I'm in a trigger context and trying to get following snippet to work.
execute format('insert into %I (user_name, action, new_values, query)
values (''%I'', ''i'', hstore(($1).*), current_query())',
tg_table_name::text || '_audit', current_user::text)
using new;
I'm getting the following error
[SQL]insert into book (title, n_pages) values ('PG is Great', 250); [Err] ERROR: row expansion via "*" is not supported here LINE 2: values ('u1', 'i', hstore(($1).*), current_q... ^ QUERY: insert into book_audit (user_name, action, new_values, query) values ('u1', 'i', hstore(($1).*), current_query()) CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "if_modified_func" line 8 at EXECUTE statement
Any suggestion on how to fix row expansion via "*" is not supported here ? Coupling to specific schema is not an option.