I'm a bit amazed I haven't been able to find an explanation for how to do this as it seems like it's fairly elemental to debugging, but I can't find anywhere how to print the attributes of an object in Polymer.
I'm learning Polymer and I keep running into situations where I have an object, but I have no idea what the attributes are of the object. (Ex. I print to the window, and I get [object Object]. I've found some explanations for how to print a list of the keys/attributes of an object (I know how to print the values for those keys if I know what they are), but I have no idea how to get the keys if I don't already know the format of my data. Every example presumes you already know what the attributes are.
I've seen solutions recommending adding a script like:
getKeys : function(o){
return Object.keys(o);
And then they recommend something like this:
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{ item in obj | getKeys}}">
But I think they must work off maybe an earlier version of polymer. Most are from 2014-ish and I know the library has changed a lot since then.
This is the closest thing I get to an error with this code:
Polymer::Attributes: couldn`t decode Array as JSON
Here's an example post recommending this strategy. I understand I could dig deeper into the documentation and try to understand what response is supposed to be coming back, but I'm more curious what the general strategy is for this situation - I've multiple times wanted to check to see how polymer was modeling something vs how I thought it was.