I am learning to use r.js to optimize/minify/uglify a front-end app. So far it is really cool and promising, but I am trying to figure out how to do one thing. I want to able to concatenate all the files (js,css,html) in a directory into one optimized file that I can put in a script tag on the front-end.
So far I have only succeeded in putting only the JS files listed in my requirejs.config file into one optimized file.
But I am wondering if there is a way to concatenate more files than just those listed in the requirejs.config file - here is my requirejs.config file for reference:
enforceDefine: false,
waitSeconds: 8,
baseUrl: '/static',
paths: {
'async': 'vendor/async',
'jquery': 'vendor/jquery',
'ejs': 'vendor/ejs',
'text': 'vendor/text',
'form2js': 'vendor/form2js',
'underscore': 'vendor/underscore',
'backbone': 'vendor/backbone',
'bootstrap': 'vendor/bootstrap',
'handlebars': 'vendor/handlebars',
'backbone-validation': 'vendor/backbone-validation-amd'
//'socketio': 'https://cdn.socket.io/socket.io-1.3.5'
'shim': {
'underscore': {
'exports': '_'
'backbone': {
'deps': ['jquery', 'underscore'],
'exports': 'Backbone'
'handlebars': {
'exports': 'Handlebars'
ejs: {
exports: "ejs"
my build.js file looks like so:
"baseUrl": "./public/static",
"name": "app/js/main",
"mainConfigFile": "./public/static/app/js/main.js",
"out": "./public/static/app/js/optimized.js"
the other build.js file that I tried looks like this:
"baseUrl": "./public/static",
"dir": "./js-built",
"mainConfigFile": "./public/static/app/js/main.js",
//"optimize": 'none',
"modules": [
name: "app/js/main",
include: [
excludeShallow: [
like I said, the first version of the build.js file concatenates all the JS files listed inside requirejs.config into one file (in my case, optimized.js). The second version of the build.js file copies the entire directory and minifies all the files, but leaves the directory structure as is.
What I want to do is combine the first and the second. Minify all the files in the directory, but concatenate them all into one file somehow.
Is this possible?
My one guess on how to do this is to simply list ALL the files I want to concatenate inside my requirejs.config and then use the first build.js file that I mentioned. Is this correct?