This is a followup question of How to encode characters from Oracle to Xml?
In my environment here I use Java to serialize the result set to xml. I have no access to the output stream itself, only to a org.xml.sax.ContentHandler.
When I try to output characters in a CDATA Section:
It happens basically like this:
xmlHandler.startElement(uri, lname, "column", attributes);
String chars = "<![CDATA["+rs.getString(i)+"]]>";
xmlHandler.characters(chars.toCharArray(), 0, chars.length());
xmlHandler.endElement(uri, lname, "column");
I get this:
But I want this:
So how can I output a CDATA section with a Sax ContentHandler?
in my code. Is there any way to output CDATA tags without using theCDATA_SECTION_ELEMENTS
property? – Gardia