I am using ksoap2
to consume a SOAP
based web-service
, and the format of the response I am getting is something like:
key6= anyType{
key7= anyType{
key8= value8;
That is the JSON objects
(if we assume that this is JSON
) begin with anyType{
and end with }
, keys and values are separated by =
, and ;
are field separators/statement terminators/whatever.
I tried to validate the response string using online validators
but it failed. This points out that this is not a valid JSON object
A similar example can be found in this question. But the accepted answer did not work for me because, well first the response string does not begin with {
but with anyType{
, and if I put anyType{
in the if
condition, it still raises an exception next time when it encounters an anyType{
(a nested JSON object
The second answer seems to work to some extent, but the problem is that my entire response string appears to come as a single property (since the propertyCount is 1), so when I print out the name or value of the property, the entire response string is printed.
I have googled it a lot and tried everything I could find. So I suppose I'll have to parse it myself.
My question is what is the best way to parse this kind of response.
Should I try to parse it using regex
or should I convert the response string to a JSON format
by replacing all occurances of anyType{
by {
, =
by :
, ;
by ,
etc. etc. , and then converting this string to a JSONObject by something like:
jsonObject= new JSONObject(responseString);
and then extract keys and values by something like:
Iterator itr= jsonObject.keys();
while(itr.hasNext()) {
String value = null;
String key= (String) itr.next();
try {
value= jsonObject.getString(key);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.i(TAG, key + " : " + value);
// ......
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class JSONPracticeOne {
private static JSONObject jsonObject;
private static String key;
private static String value;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String responseString= " anyType{key1=value1;key2=value2;key3=anyType{key4=value4;key5=value5;key6=anyType{key7=anyType{key8=value8};};};key9=value9;}";
responseString = responseString.replaceAll("anyType\\Q{\\E", "{");
responseString = responseString.replaceAll("\\Q=\\E", ":");
responseString = responseString.replaceAll(";", ",");
responseString = responseString.replaceAll(",\\Q}\\E","}");
responseString= responseString.replaceAll("(:\\{)", "-"); //Replace :{ by -
responseString= responseString.replaceAll("[:]", "\":\""); //Replace : by ":"
responseString= responseString.replaceAll("-", "\":{\""); //Replace - back to :{
responseString = responseString.replaceAll("[,]",",\"");
//String string= responseString.charAt(1) + ""; System.out.println("CHECHE " + string);
responseString = responseString.replaceFirst("[\\{]","{\"");
//responseString= responseString.replaceAll("([^\\}],)","\","); // truncation
responseString= responseString.replaceAll("(\\},)", "-"); // replace }, by -
responseString= responseString.replaceAll(",","\","); //replace , by ",
responseString = responseString.replaceAll("-","},"); // replace - back to },
responseString = responseString.replaceAll("(?<![\\}])\\}","\"}");
; but manipulating the response string like that does not seem to be an efficient way. There must be a better way to deal with ti. – Rubato