OS:Window 10
Browser: Chrome webDriver
Browser Version: Chrome 63.0.3239.10(64bit)
- Selenium Version 2.44
Added below dependency :
Expected Behavior -
I want check if the driver is closed by user directly, and restart the webdriver if there is no browser.
Before Driver webdriver = new ChromeDriver()
codes, the webdriver is null state,
but after Driver webdriver = new ChromeDriver()
code finished, even if user close the browser, webdriver is not destroyed.
so, after user close the browser, all code related to webdriver has the error:: "unreachable Exception".
I want restart the webdriver, if the browser is closed by user, but I can not detect the situation.
code is not working, because driver still exist after browser is closed by userif((driver.getWindowHandle().equals(""))
is not working, because Chrome Unreachable Exception, because browser is closed by user
What I want to do is to check if the browser is gone, because of user?
) #27616970 – Gluteus