I have a list of words and phrases together with as score and a definition for each. I would like to present this as an interactive wordcloud where the text sizes are determined by the scores and the definitions appear as tooltips on hover. I would prefer to do this in Jupyter.
I know a number libraries that offer nice ways to generate wordclouds and/or tooltips. How I attach the tooltips to the words in the wordcloud?. The wordcloud needs to have a way of knowing what text you are hovering over and trigger the corresponding tooltip. I have not found a way to do that so far.
I am fairly agnostic regarding the linraries used to do this. I mainly want the result to be fairly high-level and mostly declarative. I have looked at Vega, bqplot and Andreas Mueller's wordcloud package. Vega has both wordcloud and tooltip functionality and is designed to compose piplines nicely, but I am not sure how to connect them the right way. I would also prefer to write actual Python code rather than code using JSON though, but that is a minor concern. Bqplot does tootips very nicely but does not have a wordcloud component. The wordcloud package generates nice wordclouds but I do not know how to make them interactive.