I'm currently trying to implement the following:
A TableView with an ObservableList as dataset, with two columns, each of which contains Strings (names of the players). This part is easy enough.
Once a Player(name) is clicked, a custom FlowPane should be injected below the selected player. If another player is clicked, the flowpane should disappear and be injected below the currently clicked player.
The below code implements the TableView (minus the mouse listener part). Please help me let the FlowPane span the entire row. I'm guessing I need a RowFactory but have no clue how to make it work for my purposes :)
Also, apparently both my columns now show the same data. Confusing :) Is there a way to tell one column to use half the data set and the other column the other half? I obviously don't want my data shown twice.
public class main extends Application
public static void main(String[] args)
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception
FlowPane f = new FlowPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(f, 300, 200);
Player p1 = new Player("player 1 ");
Player p2 = new Player("player 2 ");
Player p3 = new Player("player 3 ");
ArrayList<Object> players = new ArrayList<>();
ObservableList<Object> observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(players);
TableView<Object> table = createTableView(observableList, 300, 200);
catch (Exception e)
public TableView<Object> createTableView(ObservableList<Object> items, double width, double height)
TableView<Object> table = new TableView<>();
table.getColumns().add(createTableColumn(width / 2));
table.getColumns().add(createTableColumn(width / 2));
table.setMinSize(width, height);
table.setPrefSize(width, height);
table.setMaxSize(width, height);
return table;
private TableColumn<Object, Object> createTableColumn(double width)
TableColumn<Object, Object> tableColumn = new TableColumn<>();
new Callback<TableColumn<Object, Object>, TableCell<Object, Object>>() {
public TableCell<Object, Object> call(TableColumn<Object, Object> arg0)
return new PlayerCell();
tableColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellDataFeatures -> {
Object item = cellDataFeatures.getValue();
return new SimpleObjectProperty<>(item);
return tableColumn;
private void injectFlowPane(TableView<Object> table)
FlowPane f = new FlowPane();
f.setMinSize(50, 50);
f.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(Color.DARKGREEN, CornerRadii.EMPTY, Insets.EMPTY)));
table.getItems().add(1, f);
public class PlayerCell extends TableCell<Object, Object>
protected void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty)
super.updateItem(item, false);
// if (empty)
if (item != null)
if (item instanceof Player)
setText(((Player) item).getName());
else if (item instanceof FlowPane)
setGraphic((FlowPane) item);
public class Player
private String name;
public Player(String name)
this.name = name;
public String getName()
return name;
I have now implemented James_D's ExpandingTableRow, which works neatly as far as showing the FlowPane below the selected TableRow is concerned. I have also managed to change my datastructures so that each column now shows different players instead of the same ones in each column.
However, the FlowPane that is created should actually depend on the actual player(cell) that is clicked within the row. In James' example: a different FlowPane would be created if the FirstName or LastName was selected (even for the same row). The FlowPane should be shown the same way - below the selected row - but it's a different, new FlowPane depending on if FirstName was clicked, or if LastName was clicked. How can I manage to do this?
I've looked at using:
But this actually seems to disable James_d's solution.
class only has one value to display, so why are there two columns? – Abominable