Im newbee in terms of encryption algho im trying to create SHA-512 to convert this variable data into SHA-512 so i can pass it in server in my project any help will be appreciated.
if (pojo.getAmount() != null && !pojo.getAmount().equals("")) {
//Data variables needs to convert in SHA-512
hsString = merchantID + "" + "" + req_id + "" + ip_address + ""
+ notication_url + "" + package_name + "" + firstname + "" + lastname + ""
+ middlename + "" + address1 + "" + address2 + "" + city + "" + state + ""
+ country + "" + zip + "" + email + "" + phone + "" + client_ip + "" + ""
+ cost + "" + currency + "" + secur3d + "" + merchantKey;
//base64string one of the transaction parameters
base64_enconded = Base64.encodeToString(hsString.getBytes(),Base64.DEFAULT);