My goal is to test the types of my GraphQL schema in ruby, I'm using the graphql-ruby gem.
I couldn't find any best practice for this, so I'm wondering what's the best way to test the fields and types of a Schema.
The gem recommends against testing the Schema directly but I still find valuable to be able to know when the schema changes unexpectedly.
Having a type like this:
module Types
class DeskType < GraphQL::Schema::Object
field :id, ID, 'Id of this Desk', null: false
field :location, String, 'Location of the Desk', null: false
field :custom_id, String, 'Human-readable unique identifier for this desk', null: false
My first approach has been to use the fields
hash in the GraphQL::Schema::Object type, for example:
Types::DeskType.fields['location'].type.to_s => 'String!'
Creating an RSpec matcher, I could come up with tests that look like this:
RSpec.describe Types::DeskType do
it 'has the expected schema fields' do
fields = {
'id': 'ID!',
'location': 'String!',
'customId': 'String!'
expect(described_class).to match_schema_fields(fields)
This approach has some drawbacks though:
- The code in the matcher depends on the implementation of the class GraphQL::Schema::Object, any breaking changes will break the test suite after an update.
- We're repeating code, the tests asserts the same fields in the type.
- Writing these tests get tedious, and that makes devs less likely to write them.
looks very nice, thanks for pointing it out! – Leveridge