I'm using cvxpy
within python
to solve a particular type of assignment problem. I'd like to assign M people to N groups in a way that minimizes cost, with the following constraints on groups:
- Groups cannot have more than J members
- If a group is populated, it has to have at least K members, otherwise a group can have zero members.
Of cousre, K <= J. I can solve the problem ignoring #2 above. In the below example, M = 6, N = 3 and J = 3. Ideally, I'd like to set K = 2. I generate preferences such that everyone prefers group 1 (column 1 in the cost function), most people then prefer group 2, but one person prefers group 3 to group 2:
import numpy as np import cvxpy as cp
preference = np.array([[1,2,3],
groupmax = np.array([3,3,3])
selection = cp.Variable(shape=preference.shape,boolean=True)
group_constraint_1 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) <= groupmax
assignment_constraint = cp.sum(selection,axis=1) == 1
cost = cp.sum(cp.multiply(preference,selection))
constraints = [group_constraint_1,assignment_constraint]
assign_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost),constraints)
The solution/assignment is :
[[1. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]
That is, I have one group with max size 3, another group with size 2, and a group with size 1. In my ideal setup, a group of 1 (group 3) is too small, and that person would have to be assigned to group 2. Note, if I simply put a minimum group size of 2, I instead get three groups of 2:
import numpy as np import cvxpy as cp
preference = np.array([[1,2,3],
groupmax = np.array([3,3,3])
groupmin = np.array([2,2,2])
selection = cp.Variable(shape=preference.shape,boolean=True)
group_constraint_1 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) <= groupmax
group_constraint_2 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) => groupmin
assignment_constraint = cp.sum(selection,axis=1) == 1
cost = cp.sum(cp.multiply(preference,selection))
constraints = [group_constraint_1,group_constraint_2,assignment_constraint]
assign_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost),constraints)
The solution is now:
[[1. 0. 0.]
[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]
[0. 0. 1.]]
I tried the following workaround, but the third constraint below is rejected by cvxpy
because the problem is no longer DCP. I think the issue is that I am multiplying a variable by another variable in the constraint. I can't figure out another way to have the total number of people in a group either be greater than 2 or exactly zero:
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
preference = np.array([[1,2,3],
groupmax = np.array([3,3,3])
selection = cp.Variable(shape=preference.shape,boolean=True)
switch_1 = cp.Variable(shape=preference.shape[1],boolean=True)
switch_2 = cp.Variable(shape=preference.shape[1],boolean=True)
group_constraint_1 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) <= groupmax
group_constraint_2 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) - 2 * switch_1 >= 0
group_constraint_3 = cp.sum(selection,axis=0) * switch_2 == 0
switch_constraint = switch_1 + switch_2 == 1
assignment_constraint = cp.sum(selection,axis=1) == 1
cost = cp.sum(cp.multiply(preference,selection))
constraints = [group_constraint_1,group_constraint_2,group_constraint_3,
assign_prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost),
I now get the following error: DCPError: Problem does not follow DCP rules.
Is there a way to incorporate this nonstandard constraint? Also, if I can use the above constraints, I can solve my problem, but I can solve my problem even more easily if you can tell me how to incorporate a constraint like the following:
- Group sizes must either be multiples of zero, J, or K.