I have a set of Durable Azure Functions and they are written using the Async pattern, as described here.
After studying the logs in app insights I have spotted a recurring failure across all my functions.
It's a GET call to the DurableFunctionsHubInstances table. The below call results in a 404 response.'f6eb7829ab6f4020af0431ab0115164a',RowKey='')?$select=ExecutionId,Name,Version,Output,CustomStatus,CreatedTime,LastUpdatedTime,RuntimeStatus,PartitionKey,RowKey,Timestamp,ETag
Is this dependency failure normal? I'm guessing it is probably an initial call to the log table to check if there is a pre-existing instance that is needs to pick up and continue.
However I don't know this for a fact and would love to have this cleared up.
actually works (Azure Storage SDK), (it asks the Storage API for the table and makes the POST request to create it if 404). – Septate