I am struggling to implement a program based on simulated annealing to solve the traveling salesman problem. All solutions I got are not satisfying and i have no clue how to improve my implementation. Obviously I'm not focusing on benchmarks, but only on finding the visually acceptable shortest path. If anyone might enlighten me I would be thankful.
# weight function, simple euclidean norm
def road(X,Y):
sum = 0
size = len(X) -1
for i in range(0,size):
sum +=math.sqrt((X[i]-X[i+1])**2 + (Y[i]-Y[i+1])**2)
return sum
def array_swap(X,Y,index_1,index_2):
X[index_1],X[index_2] = X[index_2],X[index_1]
Y[index_1],Y[index_2] = Y[index_2],Y[index_1]
def arbitrarty_swap(X,Y):
ran = len(X)-1
pick_1 = random.randint(0,ran)
pick_2 = random.randint(0,ran)
X[pick_1],X[pick_2] = X[pick_2],X[pick_1]
Y[pick_1],Y[pick_2] = Y[pick_2],Y[pick_1]
return pick_1, pick_2
N = 40
X = np.random.rand(N) * 100
Y = np.random.rand(N) * 100
plt.plot(X, Y, '-o')
best = road(X,Y)
X1 = X.copy()
Y1 = Y.copy()
#history of systems energy
best_hist = []
iterations = 100000
T = 1.02
B = 0.999
for i in range(0,iterations):
index_1, index_2 = arbitrarty_swap(X,Y)
curr = road(X,Y)
diff = (curr - best)
if diff < 0 :
best = curr
elif math.exp(-(diff)/T) > random.uniform(0,1):
T *=B