Not sure if this would still be helpful for others. But, in my case, it ended up being a silly mistake of not referencing dependencies from the .podspec file.
We have an application with multiple internal libraries, and those libraries also have dependencies on each other - which we accounted for the in the Podfiles... but NOT in the podspecs.
So, even though our Podfiles had:
Application / Podfile
# Development Pods
pod 'ConsumingLibrary ', :path => '../ios-consuming-lib'
pod 'DependentLibrary1', :path => '../ios-library-one'
pod 'CommonCoreLibrary', :path => '../ios-common-core-lib'
ConsumingLibrary / Podfile
# Development Pods
pod 'DependentLibrary1', :path => '../ios-library-one'
pod 'CommonCoreLibrary', :path => '../ios-common-core-lib'
Needed to also call it out in the .podspec's:
ConsumingLibrary / ConsumingLibrary.podspec
# Add here any resources to be exported.
s.dependency 'DependentLibrary1', '~> 0.1.0-RC'
DependentLibrary1 / DependentLibrary1.podspec
# Add here any resources to be exported.
s.dependency 'CommonCoreLibrary', '~> 0.1.0-RC'
I think I wasted about 2 hours trying to figure out why I could build ConsumingLibrary & run tests, but as soon as I built the app, that consumed all three libraries - I kept getting:
No such module 'DependentLibrary1'
, but that's a different story.SwiftyJSON
is a Swift library, therefore that post doesn't answer the question. @Orthogenesis – Chopin0.37.2
@MichaelDautermann – Chopinplatform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! target 'QContact' do pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.2' pod 'SwiftAddressBook', '~> 0.4' pod 'MaterialKit', '~> 0.3' pod 'DynamicBlurView', '~> 1.0' end target 'QContactTests' do pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 2.2' pod 'SwiftAddressBook', '~> 0.4' pod 'MaterialKit', '~> 0.3' pod 'DynamicBlurView', '~> 1.0' end
– Trivandrum