I have used two image net trained models i.e. VGG16 and inception using following lines in python using Keras API; where x is the input image and batch size is for simplicity =1.
VGGbase_model = InceptionV3(weights='imagenet', include_top=False,
Inceptionbase_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False,
predictVgg16= VGGbase_model.predict_on_batch(x)
predictinception= Inceptionbase_model.predict_on_batch(x)
I have observed that VGG16 model predict with an output dimension of (1,512) , i understand 512 is the Features as predicted by the VGG16. however the inception model outputs a dimension of 1,8,8,2048. I understand 2048 is the feature vector as predicted by inception , but what is 8,8 and why VGG16 only have two dimensions while inception have 3. Any comments please.