I am trying to write a constructor for a derived type of an abstract one to solve this other question, but it seems that it's not working, or better, it isn't called at all.
The aim is to have a runtime polymorphism setting the correct number of legs of an animal.
These are the two modules:
module animal_module
implicit none
type, abstract :: animal
integer, public :: nlegs = -1
procedure :: legs
end type animal
function legs(this) result(n)
class(animal), intent(in) :: this
integer :: n
n = this%nlegs
end function legs
module cat_module
use animal_module, only : animal
implicit none
type, extends(animal) :: cat
procedure :: setlegs => setlegs
end type cat
interface cat
module procedure init_cat
end interface cat
type(cat) function init_cat(this)
class(cat), intent(inout) :: this
print *, "Cat!"
this%nlegs = -4
end function init_cat
main program
program oo
use animal_module
use cat_module
implicit none
type(cat) :: c
type(bee) :: b
character(len = 3) :: what = "cat"
class(animal), allocatable :: q
select case(what)
print *, "you will see a cat"
allocate(cat :: q)
q = cat() ! <----- this line does not change anything
case default
print *, "ohnoes, nothing is prepared!"
stop 1
end select
print *, "this animal has ", q%legs(), " legs."
print *, "cat animal has ", c%legs(), " legs."
end program
The constructor isn't called at all, and the number of legs still remains to -1