Just last week this was working fine and now my PDF documents are giving me this "Cannot extract the embedded font '1491bd-SourceHanSans-Normal'. Some Characters may not display correctly." error.
Been hunting for hours on this, and I looked at my recent commits and can't find any major changes that would cause this problem to arise suddenly.
Here's the basic code I am using to bug test.
def invoice_pdf
require "prawn"
# document set up
Prawn::Document.generate("PDF.pdf", :page_size => "A4", :margin => [25], disposition: "inline") do |pdf|
# set utf-8 japanese font
pdf.font_families.update("SourceHan" => {
:normal => ".fonts/SourceHan/SourceHanSans-Normal.ttf",
pdf.font "SourceHan"
pdf.font_size 10
pdf.text 'ハロー ワルド。'
send_data pdf.render, type: 'application/pdf', disposition: :inline
It displays correctly when opened in Google Chrome. But using acrobat or other browsers (like Firefox that use the default system preview app) it gives me the error.