I have documentation for R6Class:
#' Root component that don't have parent,
#' It should not be used directly, only using \code{\link{pkg::component}} function.
#' @name BaseComponent
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @docType class
#' @keywords components, architecture, structure
and roxygen show warning:
Warning: [c:\projects\pkg\R\components.R:1] @title Missing name
I have no idea why it show line number 1, my code is not at line 1.
Adding @title don't change anything I keep getting this warning.
. Also check if you don't have R6 classes they are handled differently. If you still have warning maybe you should ask another question, because here probably no one will give you one, it have answer and it's accepted. – Broadbillfunction(x){}
I needed to putfunction_name<-function(x)
– Morph