I am working on a simple Mojolicious::Lite
based server that includes a websocket end point.
I would like to handle some termination signals to terminate gracefully the websocket connections and avoid exceptions in the clients (a java application).
I have tried to define my signal handlers like I am used to with my previous servers using HTTP::Daemon
The problem is that they seem to be ignored. Perhaps redefined in the Mojolicious layer, I did not found any reference on it yet.
I am expecting to see my termination message, but it does not happen
[Mon Mar 23 14:01:28 2020] [info] Listening at "http://*:3000"
Server available at
^C # <-- i want to see my signal received message here if type Ctrl-c
I am sending SIGINT
directly by entering Ctrl-C
when the server is in foreground in the terminal, and I can terminate gracefully the server (e.g. when started by a cron or other displayless mean) with a kill <pid>
In some previous servers I tried to be quite exaustive by handling:
hijacked signal used nowadays to reload configSIGINT
e.g abnormal library terminationSIGTERM
external termination request - "friendly"kill
(by opposition of brutalkill -9
suspend with Ctrl-ZCONT
when resuming from Ctrl-Z withfg
All these handlers allow to exit gracefully with cleaning resources, ensuring data consistency or reload configuration or data models after external change, depending on the program and the needs.
I have found the package Mojo::IOLoop::Signal
, « a Non-blocking signal handler » but it seems to be a different thing. Wrong?
Here is my simplified code (runs with a simple perl ws_store_test.pl daemon
File ws_store_test.pl
# Automatically enables "strict", "warnings", "utf8" and Perl 5.10 features
use Mojolicious::Lite;
my $store = {};
my $ws_clients = {};
sub terminate_clients {
for my $peer (keys %$ws_clients){
$SIG{INT} = sub {
say "SIGINT"; # to be sure to display something
app->log->info("SIGINT / CTRL-C received. Leaving...");
$SIG{TERM} = sub {
say "SIGTERM"; # to be sure to display something
app->log->info("SIGTERM - External termination request. Leaving...");
# this simulates a change on datamodel and notifies the clients
sub update_store {
my $t = localtime time;
$store->{last_time} = $t;
for my $peer (keys %$ws_clients){
app->log->debug(sprintf 'notify %s', $peer);
$ws_clients->{$peer}->send({ json => $store
# Route with placeholder - to test datamodel contents
get '/:foo' => sub {
my $c = shift;
my $foo = $c->param('foo');
$c->render(text => "Hello from $foo." . (scalar keys %$store ? " already received " . join ', ', sort keys %$store : "") );
# websocket service with optional parameter
websocket '/ws/tickets/*id' => { id => undef } => sub {
my $ws = shift;
my $id = $ws->param('id');
my $peer = sprintf '%s', $ws->tx;
app->log->debug(sprintf 'Client connected: %s, id=%s', $peer, $id);
$ws_clients->{$peer} = $ws->tx;
$store->{$id} = {};
$ws->on( message => sub {
my ($c, $message) = @_;
app->log->debug(sprintf 'WS received %s from a client', $message);
$ws->on( finish => sub {
my ($c, $code, $reason) = @_;
app->log->debug(sprintf 'WS client disconnected: %s - %d - %s', $peer, $code, $reason);
delete $ws_clients->{$peer};
plugin Cron => ( '* * * * *' => \&update_store );
# Start the Mojolicious command system
by usingCtrl-C
while the server is in foreground, forSIGTERM
it can be viakill <pid>
. I will update my question. – Sexy