I'm trying to use Tabulator v4.6.3 with the fitData layout. Here's my code:
var table = new Tabulator("#cowTable", {
data: cowTableData,
layout: "fitData",
history: true,
columns: [
{ title: "Cow ID", field: "cowId", editor: "number", editorParams: { step: 1 } },
{ title: "Enter", field: "enter", editor: "number", editorParams: { step: 100 } },
{ title: "Exit", field: "exit", editor: "number", editorParams: { step: 100 } },
{ title: "Strip Status", field: "strip", editor: "select", editorParams: { "active": "Active", "inactive": "Inactive", "absent": "Absent" } },
{ title: "Mobility", field: "mobility", editor: "number", editorParams: { min: 0, max: 3, step: 0.05 } },
{ title: "Body Condition", field: "bodycond", editor: "number", editorParams: { min: 0, max: 4, step: 0.05 } }
Which produces this: My issue is the black part to the right that seems like the table isn't resizing properly. Whenever I use the layout option fitColumns, it works fine and is the full width of the image below but the columns are too wide. I've tried to do table.redraw() below the code of the table, but this doesn't fix anything. If anyone has a solution on how to remove the black part to the right, that would be greatly appreciated.