Google's chrome browser update from 84.0.4147.89 to 84.0.4147.105 has broken MSAL login (authentication) in Incognito window for our application.
To verify that there is no issue with our application, I have tried Azure AD B2C login with the starter pack in Incognito browser and I see the same behavior. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
A similar issue was posted in the past by few developers. But the solution provided doesn't help.
FYI: Login works as expected in Chrome regular browser and other browsers
Starter pack details:
Starter pack has msal 1.3.3 version. Couple of days ago, 1.3.4 version has been released and I tried that as well. I see an error during acquiretokensilent(CallApi) in incognito while I don't get the same exception in regular window
The only difference between starter pack and our application is that we call acquiretokensilent immediately after the login is successful but in the starter pack acquiretokensilent is called on a button click(CallApi)
User does not have an existing session and request prompt parameter has a value of 'None'.
. This issue is arised due to not enabling the popup in chrome incognito mode. once i enabled the popup i was successfully able to call acquiretokensilent with out any error. Let me know if you are facing any issue not related to this – Macready