Here is some code deciding whether a list is a palindrome in n+1 comparisons, in "direct style"
pal_d1 :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
pal_d1 l = let (r,_) = walk l l in r
where walk l [] = (True,l)
walk l (_:[]) = (True,tail l)
walk (x:l) (_:_:xs) = let (r, y:ys) = walk l xs
in (r && x == y, ys)
which can be tested on a few example
-- >>> pal_d1 [1,2,1]
-- True
-- >>> pal_d1 [1,2,2,1]
-- True
-- >>> pal_d1 [1,2,3,4,2,1]
-- False
Danvy claims in "There and back again" there is no direct style solution without a control operator (right before 4.2) due to the non linear use of the continuation in CPS style solution below :
pal_cps1 :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
pal_cps1 l = walk l l (\_ -> trace "called" True)
walk l [] k = k l
walk l (_:[]) k = k (tail l)
walk (x:xs) (_:_:ys) k = walk xs ys (\(r:rs) -> x == r && k rs)
How is the first code not contradicting this assertion ?
(and how is the continuation not used linearly ?)
in (x == y && r, ys)
. – Udale