Mocking Microsoft.Toolkit.Mvvm.IMessenger
Asked Answered



It seems that for some reason, Microsoft has created an interface for it's messenger and then gone and implemented the logic as extension methods on the interface itself.

Unfortunately, I cannot use this beautiful solution: - because IMessenger extensions calls implemented code on Messenger with an internal type as argument.

Why would Microsoft go to such lengths to make unit testing hard? (If you know a good, technical reason for this, please comment with the answer. I am very curious).

I want to unit test the ViewModels, which injects IMessenger. So how do I do this?

My solution is: Wrap IMessenger in a wrapper with an interface and inject that instead.

Is there a simpler/better solution? (I want it to be easy to understand and maintain).

Longshore answered 7/9, 2021 at 8:5 Comment(1)
Mock the core members of the [interface](…) that are eventually called by the extensions. As to why they designed it that way, only the MS devs that designed it can answer thatScornik

Moq is incredibly extensible, and provides an extension point for exactly this purpose. You can provide custom type matching logic by creating a type that implements ITypeMatcher. To match the IMessenger.Send signature, for instance:

public sealed class IsAnyToken : ITypeMatcher, IEquatable<IsAnyToken>
    public bool Matches(Type typeArgument) => true;
    public bool Equals(IsAnyToken? other) => throw new NotImplementedException();

You can use this to write Setup and Verify code exactly like It.IsAnyType:

mockMessenger.Setup(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<MyMessage>(), It.IsAny<IsAnyToken>());
mockMessenger.Verify(x => x.Send(It.IsAny<MyMessage>(), It.IsAny<IsAnyToken>(), Times.Once);
Boleyn answered 1/2, 2022 at 23:41 Comment(0)

Wrapping the interface (as others have suggested) is certainly an answer, but I don't like the cognitive overhead of having two interfaces so I came up with this. It does use a bit of reflection, but I couldn't find any other way to get at that object.

Long story short, it manually builds the setup expression against the internal type:

// Compile error, because Unit is internal
mock.Setup(x => x.Send<MyMessage, Unit>(It.IsAny<MyMessage>(), default));

But reflection and expression trees can still give it to us:

private static Type UnitType { get; } = typeof(IMessenger).Assembly

public static ISetup<IMessenger, TMessage> SetupMessage<TMessage>(this Mock<IMessenger> messenger,
    Expression<Func<TMessage, bool>>? validation = null)
    where TMessage : class
    MethodInfo sendMethod = typeof(IMessenger).GetMethod(nameof(IMessenger.Send))
        .MakeGenericMethod(typeof(TMessage), UnitType);

    ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IMessenger));

    Expression<Func<TMessage>> message = validation switch
        null => () => It.IsAny<TMessage>(),
        not null => () => It.Is(validation),

    MethodCallExpression methodCall = Expression.Call(

    Type funcType = Expression.GetFuncType(typeof(IMessenger), typeof(TMessage));
    Expression lambda = Expression.Lambda(funcType, methodCall, parameter);

    return messenger.Setup((Expression<Func<IMessenger, TMessage>>) lambda);
Ourself answered 25/1, 2022 at 16:19 Comment(0)

I also didn't want to have to make a wrapper for IMessenger, and after the recent controversy with Moq (version 4.20) we're now using FakeItEasy, so the current answers didn't solve my problem.

I ended up making a test implementation of IMessenger

public class TestMessenger : IMessenger
    public TMessage Send<TMessage, TToken>(TMessage message, TToken token)
        where TMessage : class
        where TToken : IEquatable<TToken>
        if (message is MyMessage myMessage)
            myMessage.Reply(new MyMessageReply);

        return message;

    // Other methods implemented as stubs

I'm sure you could do something slightly more advanced if you needed to, but this was enough for my purposes

Absquatulate answered 20/5, 2024 at 11:28 Comment(0)

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