can anyone tell how to make Responsive UI in Swift UI, which is compatible on all Device , and using figma Text like 24 then it shows iphone 8 and iphone 11 same view
You'll want to minimize the amount of hardcoded sizes or frames in your app as that will make your app less responsive across different phone models and orientations. Here are some links you can check out to learn responsive UI:
Consider trying out geometry reader as well. Here's an article that goes into depth on what it is and how to use it:
A better way to do it without wrapping all your views in a geometry reader is to make an extension to get the screen with and height, which is also callable on all pages without having to do the extension on every page like a geometryreader.
extension View{
func getScreenBounds() -> CGRect{
return UIScreen.main.bounds
and to call it is the same as geometry reader:
.frame(width: getScreenBounds().width * 0.5, height: getScreenBounds().width * 0.5
For images you can do something like this. You can use GeometryReader class to make your images responsive. Do not use hardcoded size for images. In this snippet I used 50% width of the screen and for height it will also take 50% of the height.
Also Be careful using GeometryReader class. The GeometryProxy returns the current view width and height.
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { reader in
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: reader.size.width * 0.5, height: reader.size.width * 0.5)
.shadow(radius: 10)
You can work with a design dimensions, create a new file... maybe "CustomDimensions.swift" with this.
import SwiftUI
let ipadWidth = 1024.0
let ipadHeight = 768.0
func responsiveWidth(_ width: Double = ipadWidth) -> Double {
(width / ipadWidth) * UIScreen.main.bounds.width
func responsiveHeight(_ height: Double = ipadHeight) -> Double {
(height / ipadHeight) * UIScreen.main.bounds.height
func aspectRatio() -> Double {
responsiveWidth() / responsiveHeight()
aspectRatio was usefull.
.frame(height: responsiveHeight(24))
or how in previous example:
.frame(height: responsiveHeight() * 0.05)
You can use this as well, without GeometryReader class for images:
var body: some View {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width * 0.95, height: 205) //the width of the image will adapt to the 95% of the width of the VStack or to the width of the screen in which is displayed. In this case the height is fixed.
.shadow(radius: 10)
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