Clerk and Svix web hooks not working with error: "src property must be a valid json object"
Asked Answered



I'm trying to sync my Clerk data to my database in my Next js 13 project. My webhooks are publicly exposed with Ngrok. Here's my code:

import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from "http";
import { headers } from "next/headers";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { Webhook, WebhookRequiredHeaders } from "svix";

const webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET || "";

async function handler(request: Request) {

  console.log(await request.json())

  const payload = await request.json();
  const headersList = headers();
  const heads = {
    "svix-id": headersList.get("svix-id"),
    "svix-timestamp": headersList.get("svix-timestamp"),
    "svix-signature": headersList.get("svix-signature"),
  const wh = new Webhook(webhookSecret);
  let evt: Event | null = null;

  try {
    evt = wh.verify(
      heads as IncomingHttpHeaders & WebhookRequiredHeaders
    ) as Event;
  } catch (err) {
    console.error((err as Error).message);
    return NextResponse.json({}, { status: 400 });

  const eventType: EventType = evt.type;
  if (eventType === "user.created" || eventType === "user.updated") {
    const { id, ...attributes } =;

type EventType = "user.created" | "user.updated" | "*";

type Event = {
  data: Record<string, string | number>;
  object: "event";
  type: EventType;

export const GET = handler;
export const POST = handler;
export const PUT = handler;

This code should do the following:

  1. Create an API route under /api/webhooks/user
  2. Fetch the payload and headers
  3. Validate this info with Svix
  4. Console the information

However, only step 1 is working as far as I can tell. In my Clerk dashboard I get an error:

  "message": "src property must be a valid json object"


With the following code I'm still getting the same error:

import { Webhook, WebhookRequiredHeaders } from "svix";

const webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET || "";

async function handler(request: Request) {
    const svix_id = request.headers.get("svix-id") ?? "";
    const svix_timestamp = request.headers.get("svix-timestamp") ?? "";
    const svix_signature = request.headers.get("svix-signature") ?? "";

    const body = await request.text(); // This get's the raw body as a string

    const sivx = new Webhook("your_secret_key_here");

    const payload = sivx.verify(body, {
        "svix-id": svix_id,
        "svix-timestamp": svix_timestamp,
        "svix-signature": svix_signature,


export const GET = handler;
export const POST = handler;
export const PUT = handler;

Where am I going wrong?

Conroy answered 27/6, 2023 at 0:11 Comment(0)

You need to add your webhook endpoint to your ignoredRoutes in middleware.ts:

export default authMiddleware({
  publicRoutes: ['/'],
  ignoredRoutes: ['/api/{routeName}'],

There's annoyingly little documentation to highlight this though.

Astrograph answered 11/7, 2023 at 9:55 Comment(1)
it worked. earlier i made a mistake, 'webhooks' vs 'webhook'.Ingrowing

For people using Hono I made it work with the following code.'/', async (c) => {
    try {
        const WEBHOOK_SECRET = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET
        if (!WEBHOOK_SECRET) {
            throw new Error('You need a WEBHOOK_SECRET in your .env')
        const payload = await c.req.text()
        const svix_id = c.req.header('svix-id')
        const svix_timestamp = c.req.header('svix-timestamp')
        const svix_signature = c.req.header('svix-signature')

        // If there are no Svix headers, error out
        if (!svix_id || !svix_timestamp || !svix_signature) {
            console.error('Issue in headers of webhook')
            return c.text('Error occurred -- no svix headers', {
                status: 400,

        // Create a new Svix instance with your secret.
        const wh = new Webhook(WEBHOOK_SECRET)

        let evt = null

        // Attempt to verify the incoming webhook
        // If successful, the payload will be available from 'evt'
        // If the verification fails, error out and  return error code
        try {
            evt = wh.verify(payload, {
                'svix-id': svix_id,
                'svix-timestamp': svix_timestamp,
                'svix-signature': svix_signature,
            }) as { data: OrganizationMembershipJSON; type: string }
            console.log('evt type: ', evt.type)
            console.log('evt data: ',
        } catch (err) {
            if (err instanceof Error) {
                console.error('Error verifying webhook:', err.message)
                return c.text(err.message, 400)
            return c.text('Something went wrong', 500)

        return c.text('Webhook received and verified successfully', 200)
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof Error) {
            return c.json(e.message, 400)
        return c.text('Something went wrong', 500)

This is how you would do it in Remix add webhooks.tsx in your route folder

import { OrganizationJSON, OrganizationMembershipJSON, UserJSON } from '@clerk/backend'
import { ActionFunction, json } from '@remix-run/node'
import { Webhook } from 'svix'

export const action: ActionFunction = async ({ request, context }) => {
  try {
    const WEBHOOK_SECRET = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET
    if (!WEBHOOK_SECRET) {
      throw new Error('You need a WEBHOOK_SECRET in your .env')
    const payload = await request.text()
    const svix_id = request.headers.get('svix-id')
    const svix_timestamp = request.headers.get('svix-timestamp')
    const svix_signature = request.headers.get('svix-signature')

    console.log('svix_id: ', svix_id)
    console.log('svix_timestamp: ', svix_timestamp)
    console.log('svix_signature: ', svix_signature)
    // If there are no Svix headers, error out
    if (!svix_id || !svix_timestamp || !svix_signature) {
      console.error('Issue in headers of webhook')
      return json({ message: 'Issue in headers of webhook' }, 400)

    // Create a new Svix instance with your secret.
    const wh = new Webhook(WEBHOOK_SECRET)

    let evt = null

    // Attempt to verify the incoming webhook
    // If successful, the payload will be available from 'evt'
    // If the verification fails, error out and  return error code
    try {
      evt = wh.verify(payload, {
        'svix-id': svix_id,
        'svix-timestamp': svix_timestamp,
        'svix-signature': svix_signature,
      }) as {
        data: OrganizationMembershipJSON | OrganizationJSON | UserJSON
        type: string
      console.log('evt type: ', evt.type)
      console.log('evt data: ',
    } catch (err) {
      if (err instanceof Error) {
        console.error('Error verifying webhook:', err.message)
        return json({ message: err.message }, 400)
      return json({ message: 'Something went wrong' }, 500)

    const webhookTypesAllowed = [

    if (evt?.type && !webhookTypesAllowed.includes(evt.type)) {
      return json({ message: `Webhook type not supported ${evt.type}` }, 400)

    return json({ message: 'Webhook received and verified successfully in remix' }, 200)
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Error) {
      return json(e.message, 400)
    return json('Something went wrong', 500)
Linda answered 9/9, 2024 at 11:35 Comment(0)

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