I have data of a pre and a posttest in two groups: control and treatment. I computed the score and now want to illustrate the differences between groups and tests. As a basis I have a data frame in R containing for each student a row with the results of the pre as well as the posttest:
student_id group test_id Score
145 Treatment pre 0.12
145 Treatment post 0.78
109 Control pre 0.45
109 Control post 0.99
I have written the following code
s2$test_id <- as.factor(s2$test_id)
s2$group <- as.factor(s2$group)
p <- ggplot(s2, aes(x = test_id, y=score, fill = group)) + geom_violinhalf(trim=FALSE, fill="gray")+
labs(title="Half Violin",x="Test", y = "Score")+
theme_classic() + scale_x_discrete(limits = rev)
Is it possible, that the grey violin can be changed into the distribution of the treatment group (blue) and that I can add a second half violin shape on the left of the pre and posttest depicting the control distribution (red)?