I found out about fuzzyfinder yesterday and tried installing it. Then found out I needed L9 since that is a prerequisite for fuzzyfinder.
I am getting the following errors when running gvim:
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/fuf.vim:
line 13:
***** L9 library must be installed! *****
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim72/plugin/l9.vim:
line 8:
E117: Unknown function: l9#guardScriptLoading
E15: Invalid expression: !l9#guardScriptLoading(expand('<sfile>:p'), 702, 0, [])
line 16:
E117: Unknown function: l9#defineVariableDefault
I've put fuf.vim
and l9.vim
into my plugin
folder. I tried putting them in autoload
folder as well but that fetches even more errors.
My version is: VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Apr 16 2010 12:40:58)
Googling did not work since question from one mailing list is spread of so many other links and the answer is nowhere to be found.
. Try that, then close and relaunch Vim. Then install the plugins (FF & L9) with all the files in the correct place. Do you still have the same problem? – Recruitment