So I am trying to implement a pretty simple grammar for one-line statements:
# Grammar
c : Character c [a-z0-9-]
(v) : Vowel (= [a,e,u,i,o])
(c) : Consonant
(?) : Any character (incl. number)
(l) : Any alpha char (= [a-z])
(n) : Any integer (= [0-9])
(c1-c2) : Range from char c1 to char c2
(c1,c2,c3) : List including chars c1, c2 and c3
I am using the Happy parser generator ( but for some reason there seems to be some ambiguity problem.
The error message is: "shift/reduce conflicts: 1"
I think the ambiguity is with these two lines:
| lBracket char rBracket { (\c -> case c of
'v' -> TVowel
'c' -> TConsonant
'l' -> TLetter
'n' -> TNumber) $2 }
| lBracket char hyphen char rBracket { TRange $2 $4 }
An example case is: "(a)" vs "(a-z)"
The lexer would give the following for the two cases:
(a) : [CLBracket, CChar 'a', CRBracket]
(a-z) : [CLBracket, CChar 'a', CHyphen, CChar 'z', CRBracket]
What I don't understand is how this can be ambiguous with an LL[2] parser.
In case it helps here is the entire Happy grammar definition:
module XHappyParser where
import Data.Char
import Prelude hiding (lex)
import XLexer
import XString
%name parse
%tokentype { Character }
%error { parseError }
lBracket { CLBracket }
rBracket { CRBracket }
hyphen { CHyphen }
question { CQuestion }
comma { CComma }
char { CChar $$ }
xstring : tokens { XString (reverse $1) }
tokens : token { [$1] }
| tokens token { $2 : $1 }
token : char { TLiteral $1 }
| hyphen { TLiteral '-' }
| lBracket char rBracket { (\c -> case c of
'v' -> TVowel
'c' -> TConsonant
'l' -> TLetter
'n' -> TNumber) $2 }
| lBracket question rBracket { TAny }
| lBracket char hyphen char rBracket { TRange $2 $4 }
| lBracket listitems rBracket { TList $2 }
listitems : char { [$1] }
| listitems comma char { $1 ++ [$3] }
parseError :: [Character] -> a
parseError _ = error "parse error"
Thank you!