I have a Ruby program that uses DataMapper as an ORM to talk to an in-memory SQLite DB. This has been working fine, however I just recently added a new DM class, and corresponding table. To my surprise, things now blow up during an auto_migrate!
here is the SQL generated by DataMapper:
~ (0.000390) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_channels")
~ (0.000010) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_commands")
~ (0.000009) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_configurations")
~ (0.000052) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_measurements")
~ (0.000028) SELECT sqlite_version(*)
~ (0.000035) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "sensationd_channels"
~ (0.000009) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_channels")
~ (0.000423) CREATE TABLE "sensationd_channels" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "channel" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" VARCHAR(50), "precision" INTEGER DEFAULT 11, "gain" INTEGER DEFAULT 1, "differential" BOOLEAN DEFAULT 'f', "configuration_id" INTEGER NOT NULL)
~ (0.000191) CREATE INDEX "index_sensationd_channels_configuration" ON "sensationd_channels" ("configuration_id")
~ (0.000015) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "sensationd_commands"
~ (0.000009) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_commands")
~ (0.000153) CREATE TABLE "sensationd_commands" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "action" INTEGER DEFAULT 1, "complete" BOOLEAN DEFAULT 'f', "issued_at" TIMESTAMP, "completed_at" TIMESTAMP)
~ (0.000015) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "sensationd_configurations"
~ (0.000009) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_configurations")
~ (0.000155) CREATE TABLE "sensationd_configurations" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "created_on" TIMESTAMP, "modified_on" TIMESTAMP, "name" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, "active" BOOLEAN)
~ (0.000015) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "sensationd_measurements"
~ (0.000009) PRAGMA table_info("sensationd_measurements")
~ (0.000152) CREATE TABLE "sensationd_measurements" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "timestamp" TIMESTAMP, "measurement" VARCHAR(65535) NOT NULL, "channel_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "channel_configuration_id" INTEGER NOT NULL)
~ (0.000175) CREATE INDEX "index_sensationd_measurements_channel" ON "sensationd_measurements" ("channel_id", "channel_configuration_id")
~ (0.000083) SELECT "id", "created_on", "modified_on", "name", "active" FROM "sensationd_configurations" WHERE "active" = 't' ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 1
~ (0.000073) INSERT INTO "sensationd_configurations" ("created_on", "modified_on", "name", "active") VALUES ('2011-08-01T12:36:18-07:00', '2011-08-01T12:36:18-07:00', 'Test U6-Pro Configuration, differential.', 't')
~ (0.000109) SELECT "id", "action", "complete", "issued_at", "completed_at" FROM "sensationd_commands" ORDER BY "issued_at" DESC LIMIT 1
~ (0.000086) INSERT INTO "sensationd_channels" ("channel", "name", "precision", "gain", "differential", "configuration_id") VALUES (0, '0', 11, 0, 't', 1)
~ no such table: sensationd_commands (code: 1, sql state: , query: SELECT "id", "action", "complete", "issued_at", "completed_at" FROM "sensationd_commands" ORDER BY "issued_at" DESC LIMIT 1, uri: sqlite3::memory:?scheme=sqlite&user=&password=&host=&port=&query=&fragment=&adapter=sqlite3&path=:memory:)
It looks like its creating the table goes fine, but then it can't be found just a few lines later. I would think I had mis-configured the DB connection, except that the other tables are found and work just fine.
Software at play:
- Ruby 1.9.2p289 via RVM
- SQLite3 @ via MacPorts
- DataMapper gem v 1.1.0
Does anyone know why this is gimping out, and what I can do about it?