What is the best way to implement an external module system for a DELPHI application?
What I need is very basic really:
- The main APP detects if a module is present and loads it(Run time)
- Modules can store form
- Modules can store DataModules
- Modules can Store code
I need the use the store forms inside other forms, and only as a standAlone
I use something like this
if Assigned(pNewClass) then begin
Application.CreateForm(pNewClass, _lFrm);
_lFrm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
_lFrm.Parent := pBasePNL //(TPanel);
_lFrm.Align := alClient;
So I create a TForm, but place it inside a TPanel.
As for DataModules I usally store ImageLists so the ideia is to change the app ICOs just bit changing the external module.
So what is the best way to achieve this?
Looked at runtime BPLs but don’t seem to understand how to do it. Thanks.
UPDATE : .....................................
After reading some related question and answers i think I found my answer and solution.
The article is old stuff but amazingly simple.
Well the logic is there I just don’t seem to get it to Show the forms
I am just testing example 2
It loads the BPL, but doesn’t get the Form:
AClass := GetClass('TForm2');
Always retrievex ‘nil’
But the BPL as it registered:
Can anyone help with this one.