I am just getting started with doing moderate web development work in Salesforce for my company, and I'm looking for some feedback/insight into the deployment process. Right now it's looking like we will be doing a fair amount of custom work using visual force and apex. What I am wondering is if I screw something up in my production org (data or metadata) is there a way to roll back to a snapshot or previously released version of my org that still works? With the mediocre development tools I am worried that when bugs do arise that I won't have a good fast way of addressing the situation.
I was reading about different ways to set up source control here: How can multiple developers efficiently work on one force.com application?
But I haven't found anyone walking through the process of essentially reverting a change set or changing branches. Are the protections built into salesforce good enough that I just won't have to worry about bugs in production? Should I just not worry about having to revert a change set?