I am using jQuery accordion to split my forms into several panels and jQuery validation to check the required fields. It works great to show errors in validated fields as long as they are in the open panel.
An example. Let's say I have three accordion panels and on the first I have two form fields that need to be validated. Now, if the visitor switches to panel two or three and submits the form without without filling in the required fields on panel one I want the first accordion panel to open up and show the errors.
Does anybody know a way to make this work?
This is the code I'm using today:
$(document).ready(function() {
autoHeight: false,
navigation: true,
rules: {
page_title: "required",
seo_url: "required",
AccordionField: {
required: true
ignore: [],
messages: {
page_title: "Please enter a page title",
seo_url: "Please enter a valid name"