I am trying to develop a visualforce custom component which takes an attribute from a visual force page. I need to access that attribute in controller's Constructor so that i can brings some records from database and i need to display those records in the Component. But problem is that i am not getting Attribute value in Controller.
See the below code to understand the problem clearly..
Controller :
public with sharing class AdditionalQuestionController {
public String CRFType {get;set;}
public AdditionalQuestionController () {
system.debug('CRFType : '+CRFType);
List<AdditoinalQuestion__c> lstAddQues = [Select AddQues__c from AdditoinalQuestion__c wehre CRFType = :CRFType];
system.debug('lstAddQue : '+lstAddQue);
Component :
<apex:component controller="AdditionalQuestionController" allowDML="true">
<apex:attribute name="CRFType" description="This is CRF Type." type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!CRFType}" />
<apex:repeat value="{!lstAddQue}" var="que">
{!que}<br />
VisualForce page :
<apex:page >
<c:AdditionalQuestionComponent CRFType="STE" />
Thanks, Vivek