Here is the following code excerpted from the Spring-ws manual:
public class HolidayEndpoint {
private static final String NAMESPACE_URI = "";
private XPath startDateExpression;
private XPath endDateExpression;
private XPath nameExpression;
private HumanResourceService humanResourceService;
public HolidayEndpoint(HumanResourceService humanResourceService) (2)
throws JDOMException {
this.humanResourceService = humanResourceService;
Namespace namespace = Namespace.getNamespace("hr", NAMESPACE_URI);
startDateExpression = XPath.newInstance("//hr:StartDate");
endDateExpression = XPath.newInstance("//hr:EndDate");
nameExpression = XPath.newInstance("concat(//hr:FirstName,' ',//hr:LastName)");
My problem is that this appears to be using JDOM 1.0 and I'd like to use JDOM 2.0.
How do I convert this code from JDOM 1.0 to JDOM 2.0? Why hasn't spring updated their sample code?
import org.jdom2.Element;
. – Conic