I'm developing android application where users can compete in some kind of battles. On the server side I need to receive requests from user for starting a battle, and then, using some algorithm, choose the most preferable opponent for him. During a battle I also need to send notifications to competitors about their opponent's actions.
So it seems that I need to implement long polling on my server. My questions are:
Server side. I'm using asp.net mvc server. I had a look at SignalR framework and it seems to be just what I need. However, just because I'm new to long polling, I haven't understood its internal principles of work. So I need explanations on how to use this framework, or how to implement long polling some other way.
Client side. As far as I understood, long polling requests model slightly differs from standard "request-response" model, so I'm also wondering how to implement these requests on client side.
I'm looking forward to any explanations on subjects that I've described.