I have been working on a CQRS project (my first) for over the last 9 months which has been a heavy learning curve. I am currently using JOliver's excellent EventStore in my write model and using PostGresSql for my read model.
Both my read and write databases are on the same machine which means that when a change is made to the write database, in the same synchronous call a change is made to the read model.
As I was learning CQRS I felt this was the best way to go as I had no experience with message queue/service bus frameworks such as MassTransit, NServiceBus etc.
I am now at a point with most of my architecture in place to introduce a message queue framework.
Today, I came across Redis MQ which is part of ServiceStack and as we are already using ServiceStack for our Rest based HTTP clients, this seems like the right way to go.
My question is more about understanding what I need to know (or if I have any misunderstandings) to implement Redis MQ and whether Redis MQ is the right choice?
Now from what I understand, I would use Redis MQ as a durable queue between the write and read database. Once my event store has recorded that something has happened in my domain then it will publish to Redis MQ. The services listening for events/messages would receive the event/message from Redis MQ and once it has processed it (i.e. update or write to the read model), a notification/response goes back to the event store to tell the event store that the message has been received and processed by the listener/subscriber.
Does this sound correct?
Also would the Redis MQ architecture give me everything that NSB, RavenDB, MassTransit etc offer?
Also, I will be deploying to windows 2008 and 2003 server. Is Redis stable for these OSs?