To work with Xuggler you need xuggle-xuggler-5.4.jar
. According to the people who made this, most users only need the above-mentioned JAR file. However, this is what they say about using Xuggler without Maven or Ivy:
Using Xuggler WITHOUT Apache Maven or Apache Ivy
What are you... stuck in 2003? Anyway, if you insist on this, Xuggler's pre-compiled binaries (including native versions) can be found here. Make sure that xuggle-xuggler.jar and its dependencies are included in your Java classpath. See the xuggle-xugger-*.pom file distributed with the version of Xuggler that you use to find the (small) set of dependent jars, and download them as well.
I downloaded the xuggle-xuggler.jar
file for the latest version, 5.4 but I don't understand the pom file for it.
Update After Downloading Dependencies
I have the following directory structure:
is stored in E:\xuggle xuggler dependencies
are stored in E:\xuggle\xuggle-dependencies