I am hoping someone could clarify this for me so that I can better understand how marshalling of JAXB objects work.
From reading and looking at examples it is my understanding that a JAXB object must implement java.io.Serializable
so that the object can be marshalled and unmarshalled correctly. The part that I am a bit unsure about is what happens (read: what are the consequences) when one of your JAXB objects do not implement serializable? This has happened in the past and results in errors in the log files similar to
ERROR [example.package.name.MyJaxbClass.data]DiskStorageFactory.call{503} | Disk Write of -309037891 failed:
java.io.NotSerializableException: example.package.name.myJaxbClass$MyNonSerializedElement
Yet the rest of the code seems to work fine. How important is it for your JAXB classes to implement serializable and what happens when they do not?