I created a C++ library project in Qt creator. After building the project I have the libMylib.so, .so.1, .so.1.0, .so.1.0.0, Makefile and mylib.o files. I added the library headers to my other project and added the path to my .pro file like this:
LIBS += "/home/peter/Workspace/build-Libtester-Desktop-Release/libMyLib.so"
When building the application I don't get no such file error, but when running it I get this:
/home/peter/Workspace/build-Libtester-Desktop-Debug/Libtester: error while loading shared libraries: libMyLib.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
which I can't understand, because it's right there next to the .so which it seem to find, because when the path is wrong I get a no such file or directory error when trying to build the project. Could someone explain what I'm missing here?
Thanks for your time.
DEPENDS += "/home/peter/Workspace/build-Libtester-Desktop-Release/"
does it work? It will make Qt creator search in that location for runtime lib. – Siloa