Is there function in Math.Net like (MatLab/Octave/numpy)'s linspace() which takes 3 parameters (min, max, length) and creates an vector/array of evenly spaced values between min and max? It is not hard to implement but if there was a function already I would prefer to use that.
There is none exactly like linspace, but the signal generator comes quite close and creates an array:
SignalGenerator.EquidistantInterval(x => x, min, max, len)
I'm not fresh on the syntax, but I guess it's very close to C#.
In case you need a vector:
new DenseVector(SignalGenerator.EquidistantInterval(x => x, min, max, len))
Or you could implement it e.g. using the static Create function (in practice you may want to precompute the step):
DenseVector.Create(len, i => min + i*(max-min)/(len - 1.0))
Update 2013-12-14:
Since v3.0.0-alpha7 this is covered by two new functions:
Generate.LinearSpaced(length, a, b)
-> MATLABlinspace(a, b, length)
Generate.LinearRange(a, [step], b)
-> MATLABa:step:b
I used this C# code to replicate the functionality of linspace (how numpy does it), feel free to use it.
public static float[] linspace(float startval, float endval, int steps)
float interval = (endval / MathF.Abs(endval)) * MathF.Abs(endval - startval) / (steps - 1);
return (from val in Enumerable.Range(0,steps)
select startval + (val * interval)).ToArray();
Here is the VB Translation I made.
Public Function linspace(startval As Single, endval As Single, Steps As Integer) As Single()
Dim interval As Single = (endval / Math.Abs(endval)) *(Math.Abs(endval - startval)) / (Steps - 1)
Return (From val In Enumerable.Range(0, Steps) Select startval + (val * interval)).ToArray()
End Function
Use examples;
float[] arr = linspace(-4,4,5)
Dim arr as Single() = linspace(-4,4,5)
I checked the result from the code shown below and MATLAB linspace, it exactly matches. I myself use it for my research work in Monte Carlo implementations.
Below is the code image and the actual code.
static double[] LINSPACE(double StartValue, double EndValue, int numberofpoints)
double[] parameterVals = new double[numberofpoints];
double increment = Math.Abs(StartValue - EndValue) / Convert.ToDouble(numberofpoints - 1);
int j = 0; //will keep a track of the numbers
double nextValue = StartValue;
for (int i = 0; i < numberofpoints; i++)
parameterVals.SetValue(nextValue, j);
if (j > numberofpoints)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
nextValue = nextValue + increment;
return parameterVals;
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