I have been going back and forth trying out wanting to find a way for a way to communicate via LAN / WiFi easily, and making a call via LAN network would be great, so i tried asterisk a few times and lost in the way, i cant seem make it work, and the e-book i purchased endorsed me to purchase a Digium hardwares to proceed, it's not possible for me to do so, i live halfway around the world from america and a day's flight from a big city.
I'm willing to learn, but it seems each time i went in it, i got lost somehow. i know basics of linux and virtualbox, but not too much though, and this asterisk felt it's still another level for me.
My question is, is it possible to use asterisk or asterisknow by digium without their hardwares if it's only for LAN usage ? is it even a viable thing to do ?