%> npm search persistent storage
closet JSON persistent storage with methods chainability and callbacks for asynchronous use. =ganglio 2013-01-29 18:41 0.0.7 json persistent storag
ewdDOM Persistent lightweight DOM using Mumps Global Storage =robtweed 2013-02-02 14:39 0.0.4
fs-persistent-object Tiny Node library for persisting small runtime objects on filesystem =oleksiyk 2013-04-09 09:13 0.0.1 persistent tiny storage
headstorage A persistent storage for Node.js =headhsu2568 2012-11-20 13:41 0.0.0 storage
level-store A streaming storage engine based on LevelDB. =juliangruber 2013-06-21 19:55 3.3.2 leveldb levelup stream persistent
node-persist Super-easy (and fast) persistent data structures in Node.js, modeled after HTML5 localStorage =benmonro 2013-04-09 17:33 0.0.1 node persist
persistent-hash-trie Pure string:val storage, using structural sharing =hughfdjackson 2013-05-24 19:24 0.4.1 persistent hash trie pure functional d
perstore Perstore is a cross-platform JavaScript object store interface for mapping persistent objects to various different storage mediums using an in
shelf.js A modular, powerful wrapper library for persistent objects in the browser and Node.js =shakty 2013-05-24 08:10 0.4.7 persistance localStorag
stay Persistent scuttlebutt instances for browser and node =juliangruber 2012-12-11 21:54 0.1.0 persistent scuttlebutt persistence loc
Looks like the closest match would be node-persist
EDIT: Here may be a better alternative solution...
@adrienjoly You know prototyping is still fairly high level and may not be (in the long run) as efficient as you are thinking.
You may be better off developing a module in C/C++ exposing a high level API for node.js to take advantage of.
I think I have a post about getting your feet wet with this type of node.js development (it stemmed from an original tutorial I followed here)
I do believe that method is however outdated and a newer method is to use the node-gyp tool. Some additional resources and examples: node-gyp projects, uRSA (I have a small pull request with this one), bcrypt etc..
My assumption in this is that you may bind the module extension to a db api such as oracle or postgres etc., and by writing a low level module linking to a low level API while exposing a high level API for developers to implement the persistent configuration options with API calls for slicing, indices, etc the performance would be optimal vs. trying to have node.js interpret your prototyping shim