For the first question (How to synchronize input to the next valid term?) I found some useful information that led me to acceptable solution.
Antlr generates next subcode for previous grammar:
public TextContext text() {
TextContext _localctx = new TextContext(_ctx, State);
EnterRule(_localctx, 0, RULE_text);
int _la;
try {
EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);
State = 49;
_la = _input.La(1);
do {
State = 48; term();
State = 51;
_la = _input.La(1);
} while ( _la==KEYWORD );
State = 53; Match(EOF);
catch (RecognitionException re) {
_localctx.exception = re;
_errHandler.ReportError(this, re);
_errHandler.Recover(this, re);
finally {
return _localctx;
The call _errHandler.Sync(this);
makes the parser advances through the input stream in an attempt to find next valid turn (as a result of "term+" component).
To stop parser from sync in other subrules accept "term" rule", I Extended DefaultErrorStrategy
Class as next:
public class MyErrorStrategy : Antlr4.Runtime.DefaultErrorStrategy
public EventErrorStrategy() : base()
{ }
public override void Sync(Antlr4.Runtime.Parser recognizer)
if(recognizer.Context is Dict.TextAnalyzer.DictionaryParser.TextContext)
then provided it to the parser:
parser.ErrorHandler = new MyErrorStrategy();