I just got started using Marionette and I'm reading and following along Marionette - A Gentle Introduction by David Sulc. It's a really good read and it's easy to follow along building the sample application Contact Manager with the companion repository.
However, I had previously set up a project using RequireJS and wanted to translate and integrate the ideas and concepts of that book into this project. I haven't actually gotten that far and I think I might be a little bit confused about the use of Marionette Modules in combination with AMD modules which leads to undefined
To be more specific, let me list app.js
, listView.js
and listController.js
which should be the RequireJS version of this commit of the sample repo.
/*global define*/
], function ( Marionette ) {
'use strict';
var ContactManager = new Marionette.Application();
mainRegion : '#main-region'
ContactManager.on( 'initialize:after', function() {
return ContactManager;
/*global define*/
], function ( ContactManager, Marionette, Handlebars, contactTemplate ) {
'use strict';
var List = ContactManager.module( 'ContactsApp.List' );
List.Contact = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template : Handlebars.compile( contactTemplate ),
List.Contacts = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
tagName: 'ul',
itemView: List.Contact
return List;
/*global define*/
], function ( ContactManager ) {
'use strict';
var List = ContactManager.module( 'ContactsApp.List');
List.Controller = {
listContacts: function() {
var contacts = ContactManager.request('contact:entities');
var contactsListView = new ContactManager.ContactsApp.List.Contacts({
collection: contacts
ContactManager.mainRegion.show( contactsListView );
return List.Controller;
So, the error I get is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'List' of undefined
in app.js:15
which refers to this line:
This means that the ContactsApp
module is undefined
and this is exactly what I don't understand.
To my understanding I attach the ContactsApp
module and the List
sub-module to the ContactManager
inside either listView.js
or listController.js
(whichever is called first) with the line:
ContactManager.module( 'ContactsApp.List' );
Shouldn't the ContactsApp
be defined inside app.js
This is the main.js file which includes the require.config
and the entry point to the application:
baseUrl: './scripts',
paths: {
jquery : '../bower_components/jquery/jquery',
underscore : '../bower_components/underscore/underscore',
backbone : '../bower_components/backbone/backbone',
marionette : '../bower_components/backbone.marionette/lib/backbone.marionette',
bootstrap : '../bower_components/sass-bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap',
text : '../bower_components/requirejs-text/text',
handlebars : '../bower_components/handlebars/handlebars',
templates : '../templates'
shim: {
underscore : {
exports : '_'
backbone : {
deps : [ 'underscore', 'jquery' ],
exports : 'Backbone'
marionette : {
deps : [ 'backbone' ],
exports : 'Backbone.Marionette'
bootstrap : {
deps : [ 'jquery' ],
handlebars : {
exports : 'Handlebars'
deps : [ 'jquery', 'underscore' ]
], function ( ContactManager ) {
'use strict';
because I'm attaching the controller sub-module to theContactManager
. I assumed the controller would be available on theContactManager
then. Doesn't seem to be the case?! If I include the thelistController
in the define block inapp.js
, I will run into a circular dependency again. Would would be a good and clean way to do it then? – Uniformize