I have a MATLAB file that contains a single top-level function, called sandbox
. That function in turn contains two nested functions, mysum
and myprod
, which are identical in functionality and what parameters they allow except that one uses @sum
internally and the other uses @prod
internally. My goal is to create a wrapper function to use in both mysum
and myprod
that takes care of all the validation and input parsing. This function is called applyFunc
Here's where it gets tricky. mysum
and myprod
come in two forms:
returnssum(v, 1)
.mysum(v, 'imag')
returnssum(v, 1) + 1i
Any other combinations of input should throw an error.
I'm having trouble using inputParser
to parse these various combinations of input, specifically the optional string input. Here's the code:
function sandbox()
%% Data
v = [1 4; 3 3];
%% Calculations
s = mysum(v);
si = mysum(v, 'imag');
p = myprod(v);
pi = myprod(v, 'imag');
%% Accuracy tests
assert(isequal(s, [4 7]))
assert(isequal(si, [4+1i 7+1i]))
assert(isequal(p, [3 12]))
assert(isequal(pi, [3+1i 12+1i]))
function x = mysum(varargin)
x = applyFunc(@sum, varargin{:});
function x = myprod(varargin)
x = applyFunc(@prod, varargin{:});
function x = applyFunc(func, varargin)
p = inputParser();
p.addRequired('func', @(x) validateattributes(x, {'function_handle'}, {'scalar'}));
p.addRequired('v', @(x) validateattributes(x, {'double'}, {}, 'applyFunc:msg', 'v'));
p.addOptional('imag', '', @(x) validatestring(x, {'imag', ''})); % THIS LINE IS THE PROBLEM
p.parse(func, varargin{:});
f = p.Results.func;
v = p.Results.v;
strflag = p.Results.imag;
x = f(v);
if ~isempty(strflag)
validatestring(strflag, {'imag'});
x = x + 1i;
The line that's causing the problem is this one (as marked in the code above):
p.addOptional('imag', '', @(x) validatestring(x, {'imag', ''}));
The documentation for inputParser says that:
For optional string inputs, specify a validation function. Without a validation function, the input parser interprets valid string inputs as invalid parameter names and throws an error.
Unfortunately I don't have any idea how to do this. Is there something simple Im missing or what? If the 'imag'
argument isn't passed at all (as in the assignment of s
and p
), the code works fine, but if I do pass it, I get this error:
Error using sandbox>applyFunc (line 32)
The value of 'imag' is invalid. It must satisfy the function:
Error in sandbox/mysum (line 18)
x = applyFunc(@sum, varargin{:});
Error in sandbox (line 7)
si = mysum(v, 'imag');
Any help?
solves the issue. Personally I don't like "optional arguments", I'd rather use a name-value parameter argument:p.addParameter('imag', false, @(x)validateattributes(x, {'logical'}, {'scalar'}))
. Thenp.Result.imag
would either be true or false. – Barta